The Hero’s Journey: The Supreme Ordeal

Now, we have spent several weeks exploring the Hero’s Journey monomyth together. First, we touched on the concepts of the Hero’s Journey and the Ordinary World. Then, we explored the Call to Adventure (including the Refusal of the Call). After that, we discussed the Meeting with the Mentor and how it prepares the hero for Crossing the Threshold. Most recently, we explored the way the hero grows through encounters with Tests, Allies, and Enemies and the Approach to the Innermost Cave. Now, it is time to break down the Supreme Ordeal.

The Supreme Ordeal is the culmination of the entire Hero’s Journey thus far. The goal that the hero established during the Call to Adventure is now within reach, but before they can meet it, they must confront the greatest obstacle in their path, often their greatest fear. They may still worry that they cannot succeed, but they will ultimately find the strength to overcome the challenge using the skills they have gained over the course of their journey.

What the Supreme Ordeal looks like in the real world can vary greatly depending on the specific challenge that the hero is addressing. For example, someone who is struggling to manage their money effectively may experience the Supreme Ordeal when multiple bills are due around the same time or when they are facing mounting credit card debt. Someone dealing with a health crisis may need to undergo major, potentially risky surgery to improve their overall quality of life. On the other hand, someone who is taking a coding course may need to get a certain grade on their final exam to earn an A for the class. Someone who wants to join their high school basketball team must impress the coach during tryouts.

A student studies coding.

In the VAST Journey app, you reach the Supreme Ordeal as you follow the Rules for Success and approach the end of the quest you have chosen. Your quest’s Rules for Success will include tasks of gradually increasing difficulty. The last step of these instructions, after which the quest can be considered complete, is the Supreme Ordeal. Even after undergoing continuous personal growth throughout your Hero’s Journey, this final step may not be easy. If you are struggling, it may help to turn to your allies for support. Having been with you throughout your journey, they will know what you need and how to encourage you as you face your greatest obstacle.

A screenshot from an early build of the VAST Journey app displaying Rules for Success.

When the hero overcomes the Supreme Ordeal, they will gain their Reward, which is often an outcome they have been seeking from the beginning of their journey. For example, the person with financial troubles will successfully pay their bills and eliminate any debt. The person with health issues will have a successful operation. The person learning to code will get the grade they need on their exam. The person who wants to play basketball will earn a spot on the team.

Each quest in the VAST Journey app also includes a reward. Once you have received the reward, you will know that it is time to mark the quest as complete.

A screenshot from an early build of the VAST Journey app showing the "This quest is complete" button.

After seizing the Reward, you may think that the Hero’s Journey is over. However, that is not the case. Now that the hero has successfully completed their quest, they must decide what to do next.

The process of overcoming the Supreme Ordeal will have left some kind of lasting impact on the hero. For example, someone who has overcome financial debt may now be able to begin saving money and improve their quality of life. Someone who underwent surgery may make lifestyle changes to maintain good health going forward. Someone who just barely got an A in a class they struggled with may develop better study habits as a result. Someone who joined their high school basketball team may become better at self-discipline and teamwork.

The hero may be satisfied with the outcome of the quest and wish to return to their everyday life in the Ordinary World. On the other hand, they may realize that there is still more they hope to accomplish. That brings us to the next stage of the Hero’s Journey, the Road Back.

I will discuss the Road Back in more detail in another blog post. In the meantime, if you would like to use the VAST Journey app to overcome a challenge, sign up to become an early user.



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